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Chain 2022

Crisis and Cultural Heritage

How has crisis changed the way in which local communities experienced Cultural Heritage? When and how can new technologies be used as a tool for fruition? Which case studies demonstrate the use of Cultural Heritage as a resource to cope with the crisis? These are a few of the many questions about the connection between crisis and Cultural Heritage that have been raised and investigated, during the second edition of the CHAIN (Cultural Heritage Academic Interdisciplinary Network) Conference, and that were edited by the CHAIN team 2022 in this volume. The papers published here are arranged according to three thematic sessions – evidence, use and resource – that elaborate on how Heritage goes through the crisis and despite it continues to maintain its status as testimony and resource. Also, this explore the ways in which Cultural heritage renews its forms of fruition, responding tenaciously to the changing times, but also to the habits and customs of increasingly distant and apparently disinterested territorial communities.

Our books

  • “Siamo tutti burattini... e ci muoviamo in un teatro dove non ci guarda nessuno... Read More
    image La strana indagine di Thomas Winslow
  • "Deve sapere signor giudice che noi siciliani abbiamo una particolarità... nel nostro dialetto non esiste il verbo al futuro... Read More
    image La lupa e il melograno
  • "Non c’è il mito americano al di qua della frontiera, solo diffidenza, fatica, stanchezza e solitudine. Una grande abissale solitudine. Read More
    image A mani nude
  • "Per Wallace «gli scrittori possono confidare nella televisione», dispensatrice di cospicue dosi di desiderio e di «una splendida orgia di illusioni» Read More
    image Una vernice di fiction
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